Modern Slavery

At Fenton Civils, we are absolutely determined to ensure that throughout our supply chain, and entire business operations, there are no instances of modern slavery.

This is driven by a determination to treat those involved in our business activities with the respect they deserve.

We hold ourselves to exceedingly high standards, conducting all of our operations in an honest, principled, and respectful manor.

We are constantly vigilant for signs of modern slavery or human trafficking (hereby referred to simply as ‘modern slavery’), and we are aware that to do the right thing requires more than just the right words. That is why we have developed rigorous processes and enforcement mechanisms to ensure we do as much as we possibly can to eradicate modern slavery in our supply chain and business operations. 

Fenton Civils’s processes for addressing modern slavery

At every stage of our operations, there are a range of assessments we carry out in order to identify and address modern slavery. 

While we cannot control the conduct of others, we are very clear about our expectation that any of our direct contractors have thorough, up-to-date policies and mechanisms in place to deal with modern slavery. This expectation extends, naturally, through our direct contractors to those in the supply chain whom they deal with. In this way, we hope to act as an upstanding example of excellence and encourage best practice.

Prior to being allowed to work on one of Fenton Civils’s sites, each subcontractor must succeed in passing a rigorous procedure designed to ensure they meet the same high standards we set with regards to detecting and addressing modern slavery.

By conducting the vast majority of our business with UK suppliers, we minimise the possibility of inadvertently working with someone in the supply chain who may be at higher risk of involvement (deliberately or not) in modern slavery.

We ensure, without fail, that each and every one of our employees have the requisite documents granting them the legal Right to Work in the UK.

Trust is vital in identifying modern slavery, which is why our process for highlighting concerns regarding modern slavery is highly confidential. This enables people to feel free to speak up, knowing they will remain anonymous and their concerns will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.

We perform regular assessments of our supply chain, identifying areas of high risk and acting accordingly in order to stamp out modern slavery where we can.

At Fenton Civils, we enjoy excellent and productive working relationships with each of our subcontractors and suppliers. On this foundation of respect, we make certain that they are fully aware of their obligations while conducting work with us.

We conduct regular analysis of all of our contracts, including those concerning the acquisition of services and materials, checking that they too forbid any and all forms of modern slavery and are in accordance with the relevant legislation. 


In order to ensure those whom we work with closely have a common level of awareness and are in agreement, our staff involved in procurement were given training on their commitments and responsibilities in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Furthermore, our directors have taken part in an in-depth training session on the Modern slavery Act 2015. 

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Fenton Civils’ slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 30 April 2021.